13 definitions by AlterLynx 2

A command on discord that notifies everyone on the server. The more times you type @everyone the more people will like you and not be disappointed about the notification.
Dudewhoeveryoneisgoingtolove: @everyone
By using @everyone you are about to mention 69,420,666,911 people. Are you sure?
Edit Message Send Now

Several people are typing...
by AlterLynx 2 September 10, 2018
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Someone who likes the show Adventure Time. Can also be used to insult someone.
Finhead is an inside joke because my friend and I overused and misused the word "finna" all the time. I made this to say I'm the original AlterLynx, but i forgot the other account i used.
by AlterLynx 2 September 6, 2018
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Legendary leukemia patient who left TSM because he had beef with Ninja being so good at playing a disease called Fortnite on an etch a sketch.
Jimmy Fortnite: Yo i gOT THe DUbS.
Anyone: This is why you have leukemia.
by AlterLynx 2 September 17, 2018
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To beat it. Not a typo of "wrecked" which doesn't even make sense in this context.
I just werkced off to this spicy text.
by AlterLynx 2 March 6, 2019
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A term originating from the gray eyes you see in some of the songs from the Mogeko Castle OST on YouTube. The term refers to music that is dull and not enjoyable to listen to.
Person: You added all of the songs to your playlist?
Person 2: Yeah, even the gray eyes because I like the game.
by AlterLynx 2 September 13, 2018
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Person: Yo did you see finstalk's score?
Person 2: Yeah he should compete in MLP.
by AlterLynx 2 September 12, 2018
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