Vicky is an amazing person. She can’t enter a room without you knowing. She will make you smile when you are sad. She is a good wife and a good mother and a good grandma. You would never forget a Vicky.
Vicky: “Hi guys! How have you been!

Friend: “I knew it was you when you came in!”

Vicky: “Ha! How have the kids been?”

Friend: ”There great! You are a good friend!!”
by MarsGirl1994 March 11, 2020
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A very nice name for a girl brave, talented and beautiful inside and out. Get yourself a Vicky to stay happy.
Vicky is a very pretty girl.
by Anonymous3099 October 26, 2019
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Youre lucky if you have a Vicky. Shes beautiful, and she always sticks around and helps her buddies out. Shes determined and very special. Usually has red or brunette hair,shes rarely a blonde. Vicky's have gorgeous eyes but never think enough of themselves. Has a big heart,but Vicky's act as hard as nails. Dont get on the wrong side of a Vicky. If you have a Vicky,dont let her go,youll regret it. Often Vicky's turn out to be the ugly duckling but give her time to bloom,youll be shocked by how cute she gets
Person 1: hey, dude?
Person 2: what bro?
Person 1: is that Vicky?
Person 2: oh my god bro,she used to be ugly!
Person 1: i know bro,fuck,shes hot now
Person 2: shes not an ugly duckling anymore bro
Person 1: damn,shes hot now
Person 2: i regret not asking her out
Person 1: me too bro
by Nekdjsndjnd December 12, 2013
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Vicky is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, and incredibly pretty. She is everything that anyone will ever ask for, and she is just damn right intelligent! She’s absolutely outstanding in every way, both pretty on the outside and inside.
If you ever meet a Vicky, you will just know how good they are, no matter who they are to you. They’re great friends, and very good companions. They might need some time to open up, but once they do, they are downright loyal and super great friends. They have literally EVERY trait you are looking for in a person, and you are blessed if you know a Vicky.

Vicky has everything you’ll ever want. She’s got the looks, the personalities, the traits, the body type (from the top to the bottom, literally EVERYWHERE; the legs, the face, the bum, her boobs, everything). This isn’t even exaggerating, she’s been blessed by God and was given so many good traits.

Although she obviously has flaws like everyone else, her imperfections doesn’t cover up her perfection. She’s very forgiving, and everything you’re looking for— though she doesn’t like to admire anything good about herself, and always places others first above herself. She doesn’t think she’s this good although she is, and is the best friend or person you’ll ever meet.
Although I can always continue ranting about her, to summarize this she is everything and anything, nothing missing about her that doesn’t make her perfect, more than perfect in everything.
She’s a blessing.
Person 1: How is she so perfect? Who would you describe her as?
Person 2: she’s definitely a Vicky.
by .aesthetiqq. June 1, 2021
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Vicky is the best person you could ever meet. She is caring, Atlantic, plays to much, also loves to play fight with the person she loves. But if you ever get Vicky mad she will get pissed tf off. She could be rude sometimes also lazy, but she still has a big heart in her. Vicky loves to make people happy, and loves to make new friends. If Vicky ever wants something she will do anything for it. Most of the time vicky is in trouble in school or at home. But Vicky is still good outside and inside.
If you want a Vicky, go find you a good vicky.
by Ghtt112 June 4, 2019
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Strong of spirit, Vicky is that rare individual whose charisma draws the attention of even the most hardened individual. She is a woman who holds the light of the heavens in her eyes and the soul of the sea in her kisses for they sweep you away to places that sailors pine for as they nurse their rum on a cold lonely night.

Vicky is mother and child. For one moment her face glows while holding her precious ones and then the next it displays it's fear in thinking that she is not precious herself.

Vicky will feel compassion for a stranger in need but not notice when she leads ones soul to bleed. She will believe when it fits her picture and deny that which may alter her reality. She luvs to easily but refuses to be loved.

Vicky is an enigma.
Penultimate: I think I met my Vicky and she doesn't even know I'm alive.
by yordkns February 5, 2010
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Secret version of Vixen; secret name for a hot chick when your wife or her friends are around but you still want to alert the other husbands/boyfriends. Very important to wait until "Vicky" is in a crowd so no wife/girlfriend becomes suspicious.
Husband 1: Hey, is that Vicky waiting for the bus?

Husband 2: I'm not sure we should cross the street to find out.

by Jim Thornton April 12, 2008
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