In the olden days, movie theatres used to have orchestras to accompany the film. Today, they have cell phones, a portable communication device sent from Hell. It is fine if used in moderation, but it almost never is.
"Marsha, I don't know what I'd do without you. But I'm afraid I must reveal that the secret killer of our lovers is…"


"Hello? Hi! Yeah. What's up? Uh-huh. Me too. Eh, nothing much. In the middle of a movie. What? No, I didn't yet. Wait…hold on. People are being rude and throwing things at me."
by Moshe A. December 28, 2005
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The thing of the past.

Today, pocket-sized computers that have (mostly) the same functions of a regular-sized desktop or laptop computer can do; i.e. read, write, surfing the web, look at the time and keeping time, listening to music, gaming (not the high-detail games like Skyrim, Call of Duty and such), e-mailing, etc.

The best feature these pocket-sized computers are well known for are the ability to call and text just like a cell phone, except a little more "modern". These are called "Smartphones".
Girl (on her 12th birthday): "YAAY! SOO excited! I got my first phone! I can't wait to show it to my friends at school!"

(The next day at school):

Girl: Hey, do you like my new cell phone? I got it got my birthday, yesterday."

Friend of Girl: "What is that ugly thing?? *scoff* You call that a phone? What is this, the 90's? Get a real phone like mine" *holds up a slim, shiny, new smartphone*

Girl: That's not a phone, that's a pocket sized computer!"

Friend of Girl: "Oh, true, but mine's still better than yours. Mine's the shit, yours is.... shit"
by Ilisten2Metal April 19, 2014
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A device used for looking less alone while in public places by yourself.
My cell phone is like a magical box of universe.
by uncreative name March 28, 2019
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A device that everyone owns and bitches about, at the same time.
"That guy with the cell phone is so obnoxious for talking on this train...wait, I got call waiting! Can you hear me?! Can you hear me now?!!!!"
by TiberiusJulius February 16, 2005
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A wireless mobile telephone. Works virtually the same as a standard land-line home phone, except it runs off of a batery and is wireless and receives signal from the numerous cell phone towers. Apart from a standard phone, these phones often include text messaging, ability to take pictures, browse the internet etc... very usefull and sometimes necessary (depending on your personal situation), especially if your on some nowheresville road and your car breaks down. PLEASE TURN OFF OR SET ON VIBRATE IN PLACES SUCH AS MOVIES/FUNERALS ETC... do not drive and talk unless you can actually do it competently, most people cant. some can.
by Troy February 16, 2005
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something that way too many 12 year olds have. something that is nice to have, but is not a necessity for everyday life.
why do you need a cellphone. give people a chance to miss you.
by mikey March 20, 2005
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A completely portable and wireless phone which is supposed to be usable just about anywhere. In reality, though, these pieces of shit usually drop calls, fade in and out, or make the person on the other end sound like they are talking under water. However, people still love these phones because using them in public makes these insecure dumb fucks feel important. These irritating douchebags will usually raise their voice 2-3 times higher than their normal speaking voice so you can hear them from across the room easier than you can hear the person sitting next to you. They also turn the customizable ringtone (usually a 5 minute song) up as high as possible so everyone can hear it. (Putting the phone on vibrate doesn't let them feel important by announcing to the whole room that someone is calling.)
That douchebag in the library has been pissing me off by talking loud on his cell phone for half an hour. The next time his cell phone rings, it will be coming from inside his ass.
by MrFranklin July 1, 2006
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