To tell yourself facts to get rid of a fear. To give yourself reasons to not be afraid
"I psychologized my fear of the roller coaster. Over 1 million people have ridden it and have not died."

"I used to be afraid of heights by I psychologized my way through it"

"Bungee jumping sounds scary! But I'm psychologizing myself to not be afraid."
by Sir Barks Alot March 16, 2017
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Pertaining to the functions of the mind, or brain.

From the Greek: psukhē(psyche) meaning soul... that which makes a person that specific person, rather than someone or everyone else.
It's not a real problem, you just made it up inside your head. It is all just psychological... though that pertains more to psychosomatosis, you get the drift.
by ZERØ O'skül March 4, 2011
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The study of human thought and behaviour. A social scientific subject which can trace its origins back to ancient Greece.
Psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy are all different.
by VinC April 26, 2005
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Psychology is everyone's major at some point during their college career.
Me: What are you majoring in? (Dont you dare say psychology)
Random Person: Psychology.
Me: OOOOH exciting.
by Cliff Whitty March 23, 2006
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The section of Borders bookstore where all the porn is hidden, believe it or not.
Dude, have you been the psychology section before? There's a whole wall of erotica in there! You've GOT to check it out!
by Wail Halls September 20, 2006
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To trick or scam someone into doing something they would not normally do without suggestive coaxing. Similar to reverse psychology but way more gangster and condescending.
I just psychologized you into giving me your pizza cuz I told you you were fat.
by LS3(A-DUB) November 16, 2011
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A religion that has risen up in the past century to define "proper behavior" as the influence of Christianity has waned.

Like other religions, it has little scientific support, but makes bold pronouncements about who is "good" and who is "bad."

Its sacred texts include the Diagnostics and Statistics manual as well as works by Rogers, Freud, Beck and others.

Cultish mind control behavior can be found in some practitioners who will attempt to keep "clients" in harmful therapy by convincing them that "you have to feel worse to feel better" or "your resistance represents your unwillingness to face your problems."
Client: "I have been in therapy for four years now, but I'm still depressed and obsessive compulsive. I don't think this psychology is working."

Psychologist: "I sense that you are very frustrated. However, clearly, we just have not yet uncovered the root of the problem yet."
by MurdochT April 17, 2010
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