the unique vehicle designated for a bride and groom to get away from the wedding
I rented a Bentley as our getaway car to take us to the airport after our wedding
by Notbray February 25, 2019
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1. To launch a saucer/balloon and pretend to be in it in hopes of avoiding punishment/evading taxes.

2. The hoo-ha surrounding Wife Swap's attention whore Richard Heene and his child, Falcon, who planned a hoax with a silver saucer.
The FBI is after me man, I gotta get me some Getaway Balloon!
by neonbiscuit October 15, 2009
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When you take a nasty dump at work and really stink up the place but get in and out of the bathroom before anyone comes in.
A had to drop a deuce at work today after all of that mexican good last night. I really stunk up the place. But I was able to make a clean getaway.
by kajoe September 16, 2006
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The art of, and unfailing practice to always park a car in reverse format, so that the front end of the vehicle is poised toward the street side or driving lane.
Done to maintain a wide field of view in front and to the sides of you, and (if parked against a solid object) prevent anyone from sneeking up behind you.
Most importantly the ability to leave in a very quick manner should the need arise.
Also allows a vehicle not running a front license plate to go unidentified to Security, Traffic, & Law Enforcement personnel.
I thought we were gonna have to bail, so I parked getaway style in case the Police passed by.
by KRASH! June 26, 2007
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There are people who do it that way. They don't get away in a car they get away in damn helicopter!
They left the roof of the building they hit in the getaway helicopter.
by Solid Mantis May 5, 2017
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when a white guy motorboats a black girls ass, after he jizzed all over her ass
nick got jiz all over his face when he went on a tropical getaway with kelsey
by chickonmydick99 June 13, 2012
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The drugs and booze that celebrities use that often lead to them to be incoherent, spaced out and unable to function. drugs, addiction, overdose, alcohol, AA, drug rehab, drug abuse, hollywood, celebrities, Tinseltown, movie stars, tv stars
I could tell that hot new actress we checked into the hotel last night was on her own celebrity getaway. She slurred her word and was totally out of it.
by joecoolthefool April 21, 2016
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