N. A company hell bent on world domination. With features ranging from telling you the answer to life, universe, and everything to showing you an aerial photo of Area-51, there is no question whether or not their goal is world domination.
JOE: better Google taking over the world than Microsoft.
BOB: you got a point there. Now let's go order some prostitutes

Personally, I wouldn't terribly mind Google taking over the world-the only regret I would have is that they beat me to world domination.
by Satanist Cows go meow April 15, 2009
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The act of researching things on Google.com
I was googling to no avail.

Googling 1971 Dodge Chargers is impossible.
by KimberlyAnn March 5, 2009
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The thing you do when you actually don't trust Bing or any other internet highway to get you answers. So you Google Google to kind of... refresh the page, or start back at ground zero.

Nothing bad actually happens. It's just a round about way to get back to the Google homepage.
I Google Google so that I don't get terrible

or irrelevant answers to my questions.
by DragonsBane07312000 February 28, 2019
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George W. Bush's term for a popular internet search engine. It can be used to pull up maps and search for subjects of interest.
"One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see — I’ve forgot the name of the program — but you get the satellite, and you can — like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes."
by evkl1 November 1, 2006
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google is an app that is used by millions of people. it tends to give you answers your looking for, and it gives you trash you didn't want. google is good and bad. do (not) use.
hey, google is acting up again. its giving me the answer of "55" when i aksed to do 5x10-

thats kinda confusing..
by obsessd with your parents. September 24, 2021
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v. To look for information about something using Google.
I know he lives in MI because that's where the radio station on his shirt is from. (I did a little Googling.)
by The Grammar Nazi January 4, 2002
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code word for saying boobs around your teacher
that teacher has no googles
by lilbabiey November 30, 2018
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