If our eyes would have met, I would have been in your arms
At some point, again you realize, I will be in your arms ❤️❤️❤️

What you do to me!!! I have to go to work and I can’t stop smiling

I love you!!!
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When you realize you have school this Monday and it's no longer the weekend and you didn't prepare for school.
When you realize you have school this Monday.....
by TheAngryNerd June 7, 2019
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A phrase you'll often hear dickbags say. They think they're being clever, but they're really just being patronizing, bags of shit. The phrase is usually uttered in contempt when someone expresses appreciation for something. Usually followed by "..right?"
Guy 1: "Man I love this movie!"

Guy 2: "You do realize ... it's a terrible movie, right?"

Guy 1: "Fuck you asshole."
by scrublord5000 August 7, 2011
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It's brotherly love guy. No no we are not gays.
Mikaela: I want your period blood. You make me realize I need. I will be there hold on! I have always been your friend!
by WeebLawStudent October 4, 2023
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