30 definitions by CommandoDude

A dense forest located in Belgium between France and Germany. During WWII the Germans passed through the thought to be "unpassable" Ardennes forest. At the time this was the least defended sector in France, the Germans bypassed the Maginot line and seized France.

In retaliation, the French surrendered. Way to botch that one up you Frenchies.
"Zey are cooming thru ze Ardennes forest!"

"Impossiblay, it is 'Unpassable' you fool"

*Germans arrive*

"Ve surrendur!"
by CommandoDude February 8, 2008
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adj. Describes a behavior which is deemed to be 'appropriate' when engaging in any particular sport. Used most often in the context of referring to poor sportsmanship. IE, either behaving poorly during a game, or engaging in unfair play, even cheating.

Kind of ritsy.
It's not very sportsmanlike to cheat. Only a poor sport would do such a thing.
by CommandoDude September 29, 2010
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A rule of house hold or of any social institution, such as government. Exclusively by men, for male purposes, in which women are not allowed to participate in leadership.

This tradition was dominant in Human history up until the Early 1900's when it began to change.

Patriarchy has since been nearly abolished in all First world countries. Though, it still exists in other parts of the world.
Many Feminists continue to claim first world countries are oppressed by a Patriarchy. This is actually not true and used as an excuse to continue blaming their so called 'inequality' on men. They also attribute many things such as war and poverty on the 'Patriarchy' even though this is not true.

Radical Feminism's true goal is not gender equality but a society in which men are oppressed. The use of Patriarchy is simply an excuse Misandrists use to justify their man-hate. They will not be satisfied until men are stripped of their power and women are taught to be superior so that men can supposedly 'Feel what it's like to be subjugated'

Examples of these women would be Buenaventura Durruti
by CommandoDude January 25, 2010
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Military term, refers to the site of an engagement between military forces, generally in a broad scope. Also implies that the battle is ongoing.
An Army would maneuver into the Field of Battle to engage the enemy.
by CommandoDude September 29, 2010
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Nerfing, is a game definition term used by a player base to describe the reduction of power in a Class of unit or weapon that was threatening the balance of the game.

Often times players will be told well in advance of the upcoming patch a nerf is taking place. Primarily to keep players informed on modified game mechanics. And also to generate discussion.

A Stealth Nerf occurs when a game company does not announce a particular change to a game in the patch. Often times the change will simply be noted in the Patch notes, buried under other layers of changes players do not often read. Leading to many players confusion as to the change.
The purpose of the Stealth Nerf is to minimize the backlash from the player base if the Nerf being applied is a particularly popular play style.

It also serves to eliminate resistance to the change the producer feels is necessary, as often preventing a Nerf is much easier then reversing a Nerf.
by CommandoDude May 21, 2010
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1. The new Derogatory term for "Libtard" aka "Liberal" aka Commie or Socialist.

2. Individual in favor of reviving said early 1900's movement to cull corporate and government corruption, protecting the average American, and expanding civil rights.
1. Damn Progressives! They want to destroy our way of life by taxing the shit out of us and making the government run every damn thing by socialising America so they can bow down to those terrorists and commies while taking away our guns so that we can't fight back. Fucking Liberal baby killing pinko unamerican surrenderist welfare state handout socialists!

2. Damn government! They're robbing the middle class Americans so they can give money to the rich by cutting their taxes and bailing them out with our social security we paid for and giving them monopolies on everything we damn well need like gas and healthcare while they screw over the working class who can barely keep a family working 3 different jobs! Fucking scumbags want to cut low income benefits so we all end up like penniless beggers on the street so the wall street fat cats can buy better private jets.
by CommandoDude August 31, 2010
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A tactic used in FPS games in which players lob grenades into the air towards the enemy spawn attempting to get a lucky kill.

The tactic requires extensive knowledge of the current map and a sense of predictability in knowing where the enemy will usually head.

Though, this only works well in round based games because spawn points are fixed.

The best way to avoid grenade artillery is to look at the sky in the early game and watch out for small flying objects heading in your vecinity
Unknown Soldier sprinted around the corner, poised to bring his bullets upon his enemies.

When suddenly he exploded, a grenade had been flailed from the otherside of the map and killed him...to shame.

...Damned Grenade Artillery
by CommandoDude November 2, 2008
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