14 definitions by Glimpze740

the stuff that squirts out when you elbow drop a pregnant womans stomach.
"Macho Man Randy Savage did a seminar at the maternity ward last week and there are still thumpfluid stains all over the walls."
by Glimpze740 July 3, 2008
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Where you round up a group of mentally deficient and physically deformed children and keep them in a small cage until they begin to fight eachother. The "cowboys" who planned the sloth rodeo then bets on which one is the last sloth standing. Minimum buy in of 10 dollars.
"Doofy McStevens is the sloth rodeo winner! He wins a trip to the bottom of the ocean!"
by Glimpze740 July 11, 2008
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When you are having intercourse doggie style at a tempo of over 200 bpms, and your penis loses control and penetrates the anus and vagina furiously. One experienced in act of the Hungarian Polka can alternate between the two orifices one thrust at a time, without looking.
"While having sex with my wife last night, I was jamming some death metal on my ipod and start doing the Hungarian Polka. However, I accidentally got poo in my wife's vagina and she got vaginitis."
by Glimpze740 July 11, 2008
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a nice and warm swirl of sperm from at least 4 different races and 2 different generations of people. This normally takes place once a year in your mom's anus.
"Are you going to attend the liquid festival this year? your mom is going to be there!"
by Glimpze740 July 11, 2008
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This is a homosexual competition in which two gay male partners have anal intercourse with eachother until their fecal matter is in one compacted ball and ready to explode out of the anus. Both partners then lay down right next to one another on their stomachs. They then shove their testicles up between their legs forming a "mini-ramp" next to the anus.

The goal of this competition is to shoot the compacted shit-ball off of the testicles and see who ramps it the farthest. Loser of the competition eats both of the shit-balls.
person 1: "Why does that faggot have brown teeth?"

person 2: "He lost the Baltic Mini-Ramp last night. What a fag!"

by Glimpze740 July 4, 2008
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This is the act of taking a shovel to scoop up a steaming pile of dog shit from your driveway, in order to relocate it so your shoes don't get shitty. After scooping up the dog shit, you throw it from across the driveway and hit the backboard of your basketball hoop.

If successful, at least one big turd will stick to the top right of the backboard.
"In order to save my Nike Airs, I did a third world slam dunk at the buzzer."
by Glimpze740 July 11, 2008
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Similar to the cotton swab ... a Q-tip is when you gradually, but unexpectedly, insert your penis into a woman's hatchet wound with your underwear still on.
"That slut thought she had gotten it all, but she was shocked when I slipped her the Q-tip."
by Glimpze740 July 11, 2008
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