15 definitions by Jer-Hey!!!

A word that mean absolutley and fantastically AMAZING!!! basically a word to use insted of amazingley (use Boom) and for absolutley fantastic (use tastic) BOOMTASTIC!!!
Dude 1: "WOAH!!!! that was totally Boomtastic dude!"

Dude2: "Richeous! how'd he do that?"

Street Skating Dude: "Yeah...I'm just that Boomtastic!"
by Jer-Hey!!! June 27, 2011
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'Free mans' Arts

A way of expressing yourself freely with no penalty
Liberal Arts: an Artist becoming an 'Artist' without any type of limitation
by Jer-Hey!!! September 22, 2008
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This word "Ditzy" is often used as a way to negetivley called a blonde haired women (typically blonde haired) stupid or not in tune with the world
That hot chick at the bar is so Ditzy

There was this one girl in my science class last year who was as ditzy as a blonde

Simply Jessica Simpson
by Jer-Hey!!! December 19, 2008
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A character of an AWESOME British Spy of the 1970's who will go off 'fighting crime' while being excessivley 'HORNEY! BABY YEAH!' has many phrase's that are know to him specifically such as "Do I MAKE YOU ORNEY! BABY!" **That odd way he stare's at a woman in the movie to allure them to his bed**
he also has horribley disgusting teeth which is suprising considering how much sex he gets which he calls 'Shag'
for Austin Powers there are many phrase's that are know to him specifically such as "Do I MAKE YOU ORNEY! BABY!" **That odd way he stare's at a woman in the movie to allure them to his bed** "SHAGG ME UP BABY!"
by Jer-Hey!!! December 23, 2008
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three words "CALIFORNIA'S NEW! GOVERNATTA! **Freakish Swedish laugh** " Also he is the greatest action film star in history who went from body building into hollywood and made numerous movies
as said by Arnold Swarzanegger AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I AM 'A NALD!'
by Jer-Hey!!! December 19, 2008
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A newb is the more propper way of saying the online Insult noob to a new player on an online game or a new friend on AIM, Myspace, FaceBook, MSN messanger, any program online if you are new to it ppl have the right to call you a Newbie or Newb so don't fight it you'll grow out of it sooner or later when a newer kid moves into town/goes to your school/joins the team
"WOW! that dude is such a Newb he SUCKS! at everything"
another friend hears that being said so he then says
"Oh I know dude"
the Newb then hears the insult and he dorkishley comes up and says
"Hey new friends"
the regular town's kids yell back at him
"Get AWAY! from us ya NEWB!"
by Jer-Hey!!! July 26, 2009
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a person who thinks they are right all of the time despite actual correct facts which can contradict their beliefs they stand proud and believe/yell that they are right, they try to be the bigger man to smaller/skinnier kids/people; they tend to try and make fun of people who won't "fight back"
Oh man he was such a Dickhead to me I told him that the way you do the problem is this way and he said to me...NO IT'S THIS WAY! YOU FAGGOT! shut up!
by Jer-Hey!!! June 15, 2010
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