19 definitions by Shinosuke

* No such word exist in the English language; officially, it has to be 2 words - "Baby Crow", which basically means a young baby crow.

* A internet alias/nickname, extensively used by me, now known as Shinosuke, for about 7/8 years.

The CaPiTaLiZaTiOn of it makes it look better than just laying it out as 'babycrow', the frenzy of capping words just started out then...

I was a young kid then, compared to everyone online, I was a baby, therefore the word BaBy.

The Crow part, was by chance, I just watched the movie 'The Crow' by Brandon Lee, before I got on the internet. I was inspired by his will, his vengence, and his darkness. I feel like I can feel his despair and hatrate towards the humankind (well, for him it was just the murderers).

Reason for changing nicknames? Shinosuke is an adorable character. He is young, energetic, horny. My idol. Main reason is that people look at the 'Baby' on my nick and will assume I am female. It has finally got to me after so many years.. that I have to choose a new nickname.. Yes, I was the first to have this nick, and it shown be mine forever!!

I just want to leave a part of me on the internet.. since I will soon be 'netless' and dont know when I'll be back.. I want a piece of me to stay behind.
<Shinosuke> yeh, I was known as 'BaByCRoW', kindda cute nick huh..
<Person1> O.. really? Cute? No. Famous? No.
<Shinosuke> yeh.. and so.. I thought it'd be like... cool if I can have my nickname on the urban dictionary.. like.. so that someday.. when i die or something, maybe a piece of me will be left in this world... hmm... deep aye..
<Person1> Eh?! Deep. You're nuts. Urban Dictionary is going to reject such childish shit!
<Shinosuke> Blah! stfu mofo.
by Shinosuke May 11, 2004
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mf has 2 meanings, often used as:

(i) Mother Fucker
(ii) My Friend

definition (i) is more commonly seen in chatrooms; whereas definition (ii) seen in multiplayer games.

if someone uses mf towards you, it's best to pretend you dont understand, so they will explain - either (i) or (ii). Since you dont want to just start insulting them.
<Shinosuke> Blah.. lets stop the conversation.. I dont want to talk abt it anymore.
<Person1> ok mf.
<Shinosuke> mf?
<Person1> mf - my friend.
<Shinosuke> Oh.. ok.. i thought.. nvm.
by Shinosuke May 13, 2004
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A business jargon, meaning 'Request for Proposal'.

RFP Methodology, to indentify a suitable prime vendor for the support amd supply for your business.
<Shinosuke> *clears throat*
<Shinosuke> I will now try to speak like someone who knows what he is talking about.... about RFP..
<Shinosuke> One of the reasons for using RFP is that, it is not a binding document. It is possible to issue and RFP and not do anything about it.
<Shinosuke> So, by saying that, I can issue RFP, people can come to be with all their software that can run by my company.. I can look at them, see which one suits my company best, and buys them, then implement them..... or, I can just say "I'll think about it". And leave them hanging forever...
<Shinosuke> Wahahaha, I feel so smart.. :)
* Shinosuke grins evilly.
by Shinosuke May 11, 2004
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Less vulgar and more entertaining term for "Mother Fucker";
instead of Fother Mucker, "Father" is used to confuse the listener.

See also: "Nucking Futs" Same methodology used.
<Shinosuke> It's "Pronunciation", not "PronOunciation"...
<Shinosuke> You stupid Father Mucker!
* Shinosuke grins and acts all smart and mighty.
by Shinosuke May 12, 2004
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(i) Prime Minister
(ii) Private Message
(iii) Personal Message
(iv) Post Meridiem

(i) is usually used iRL;
(ii) is usually used on forums or chatrooms (eg. iRC)
(iii) is uncommon but still used by some people.
(iv) used commonly for time.

See also: PrivMSG

Other non-Urban definitions: (used iRL)
* particulate matter
* past master
* police magistrate
* postmaster
* postmistress
* postmortem
* prime minister
* provost marshal
* etc...
(i) Example:
"Oh my god, the new PM sucks, I shouldn't have voted for him!"

(ii) Example:
<Shinosuke> Check your PM. I dont want everyone to know.
<Person1> Ok... ... wait...
<Person1> ...
<Person1> HAHAHAHHA~~ hey everyone! Look at this!!
<Person1> <Shinosuke> user: Shinosuke
<Person1> <Shinosuke> pass: iRn00b
<Person1> HAHAHAHHAA~~ What a lamer!
<Shinosuke> . . .
* Quits: Shinosuke (Shinosuke@SomeIRC-2BE662.56k.xtra.nz) (Reason: Too lame.)

(iii) Example:
"I got a PM (Personal message) from my boss today!"

(iv) Example:
"It's now 14:23, 02:23pm"
by Shinosuke May 13, 2004
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A non-existing vitamin source;
"N" derived from "Nicotine";
A word created by Shinosuke, me.
<Shinosuke> Shit, I feel so weak..
<Person1> Why? What happened?
<Shinosuke> My body is lacking of Vitamin N... I'm all shaky..
<Person1> Huh? Vitamin N?
<Shinosuke> N! For Nicotine!!
* Shinosuke goes away from his computer and goes out to grab a pack of cigs.
by Shinosuke May 12, 2004
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* Comes from the Englsih word "Forever"

Just another l33t way of spelling the word.
<Shinosuke> Want to marry m3h?
<Girl1> NO! Fuck off!
<Shinosuke> Why not?? PLEASEE?
<Girl1> Because you're lame! You and your "l33t" talk.
<Shinosuke Fine.. but just remember this: I'll lub j00 f0r3v3r!
<Girl1> Whatever~!
by Shinosuke May 10, 2004
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