19 definitions by YHHAWNFTPSHI

DirtyLT1, a poster of "Htownracing.com" has just achieved internet fame and epic status.

His epic fail of massive proportions started when he complained of "strange noises coming from his LT1" (93' firebird formula). The problem was reported to have appeared after a routine oil change in which oil additive was included.

DirtyLT1 later dug through the trash to find the containers of his "oil additive" which was actually brake fluid.

DirtyLT1 then proceeded to try to clean the engine out with brake clean, a highly flammable substance.

The saga is far too long to detail fully in this definition.

There is still speculation over whether or not this is actually a joke or not, but regardless, it is the best forum topic to hit the interwebs in many years.
"DirtyLT1, Throw some power steering fluid into the engine to steer the brake fluid and brake clean out"

"And don't forget to add in some headlight cleaner so you can see what you're doing"
by YHHAWNFTPSHI June 4, 2009
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The Fox News co-host for Fox & Friends. Doocy is a prime example of lovable stupidity. He is often so hillariously misinformed that you just want to tilt your head and say "aww.." at his sincere and adorable attempt at journalism.

One would wonder why Steve Doocy actually has a job at Fox News. His journalism skills are in fact, on par with an 8 year. Then you realize, he's the mascot of Fox News. The unintelligent, dim-witted, moronic shell of a person that represents the station as a whole. He is the embodiement of Fox News.

It is highly likely that he has never formed a cognitive thought, opinion, or idea without the help, aid, or influence of others.
Steve Doocy is the drunk baby of Fox News.

Steve Doocy: "Palin does have foreign policy experience, after all, Alaska is right next to Russia."
by YHHAWNFTPSHI April 5, 2009
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A misleading phrase which should actually read: "Pro-governmental regulation and interference on actions that don't remotely nessesitate it."
I'm pro-life, because I believe the government is our moral authority, and knows what's best for us!
by YHHAWNFTPSHI May 30, 2009
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When you make a spec out of you, and some guy named lation.
See, that's the thing with speculation. You make a spec out of you, and some guy named lation.
by YHHAWNFTPSHI May 10, 2009
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The standard response after making an order at a drive-thru window.
"I'd like a large fry."


"And a vanilla ice cream cone."


"Yes ma'am."

"Yatotal fiyseveny"
by YHHAWNFTPSHI October 15, 2011
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The wave is a sacred and required unwritten oath that applies to everyone who purchases a Chevrolet Corvette. The oath is agreed to upon the purchase of the vette with absolutely no exceptions.

The wave states that while you are in your Corvette, you must signal any fellow Corvette drivers with a friendly (yet extremely manly) wave to acknowledge their presence and their fine taste in automobiles.

Any driver who does not return the wave is a disgrace to the Corvette community, and just looks like a total douche.

No exceptions.
"I was in my C5 Z06 last week, saw a sick C6 rolling down in my direction, so I gave the fella the wave.

He didn't return the wave, so I followed him to his home and burned his house down."
by YHHAWNFTPSHI April 2, 2009
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An extremely inconsiderate person, who is closely associated with Harley Davidsons.
A person who owns and frequently rides a Harley Davidson.
I wish those fags would get out of our town.
by YHHAWNFTPSHI November 6, 2009
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