10 definitions by bahrainz

the time at which it is necessary to consume massive amounts of chocolate. this phenomenon could occur at any given time of day.
"I'm feeling kind of sleepy."

"Hey! It's chocolate o'clock!"
by bahrainz February 13, 2005
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to generate excitement and enthusiasm; an expression of the highest approval.
Those shoes you're wearing really spin my beanie!
by bahrainz January 16, 2003
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A person who is eligible to receive a gift wrapped in expensive ribbon, because they truly appreciate the value of the ribbon.
(They don't just rip it off and throw it away)
I wrapped her gift in vintage, French, satin ribbon because she is truly ribbon worthy.
by bahrainz December 25, 2008
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Of or pertaining to a condition less than satisfactory; commmonly used to describe the condition of ancient remnants of food found at the very back of the refrigerator. Origin unknown, first used by neanderthals to describe aged venison.
Yikes! That cottage cheese is totally funkadelic!
by bahrainz February 10, 2000
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(n) person who is hired to do one job but ends up doing whatever task needs to be done.
Go ask the neebedone to make some coffee.
by bahrainz January 3, 2004
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Extremely delectable edibles. Expression may also refer to a unique color or outstanding article of clothing.
This pineapple-banana smoothie is absolutely yummy-licious!

I just saw the most yummy-licious eggplant pashmina shawl!
by bahrainz November 18, 2002
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