27 definitions by bumbleclot

The one day of the year when it is socially acceptable to be shitfaced during the day, whether you're at school, work, etc.
Normally I would not go to class drunk at 9:00am, but it's St. Patrick's Day.
by bumbleclot March 17, 2010
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A person whose extreme hottness is kept discreetly hidden (usually by modest clothing).
I had no idea that girl was such a closet hottie. She was hiding that body under that baggy sweatshirt all winter.
by bumbleclot December 2, 2009
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Bill Cowher, former coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, pronounced in pittsburghese.
Biw Cahr used ta coach da Stiwwers
by bumbleclot January 12, 2009
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How people outside of the U.S. refer to mathematics.
Crikey! I bloody hate maths, mate!
by bumbleclot May 5, 2009
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Used to define an unknown quantity.
John: How much did that cost?
Rob: Oh, I dunno. Thirty-four dollars and humpity-hump cents.
by bumbleclot June 5, 2009
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God's method of abortion.

About 10-20% of pregnancies will result in miscarriage (this statistic is from mayoclinic.com).
Thank God that welfare-sucking bitch had a miscarriage.
by bumbleclot May 6, 2009
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a girl who is so intensely attractive that she causes a guy spill his load too soon, thus inducing a premature ejaculation.
much to her chagrin, jessica was a premature ejaculation inducer. all of her sexual encounters lasted only a few moments; her hottness was to blame for the rapid ejaculatory speed of her male partners.
by bumbleclot July 12, 2006
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