51 definitions by keifermail

Acronyms are abbreviations that are formed using the initial components in a phrase or name. A Reverse Acronym is when the initial word is broken into an acronym for humorous purposes.
by keifermail June 29, 2009
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The moment of truth that occurs when you find out something you thought was really great is really all a facade. see Sham
I just got sham wowed. I was checking out this hot chicks ass and she turned around and 'snap' dude looked like a lady!
by keifermail September 30, 2009
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Soup of the day that tastes just like yesterday's but has a different name.
Dude, the Golden Lentil Soup tastes just like yesterday's Newfoundland Style Pea Soup- deja stew!
by keifermail December 24, 2009
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A really fat joint. Not to be confused with a blunt. A Keith is a joint that is about to bust out of the papers.
"Hey don't Bogart my Keith."
by keifermail July 12, 2009
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Simply, the plural form of the word tard. More than one tard.
by keifermail September 22, 2009
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