Aśhaèll is a name meaning angelic purity and usually referencing to a woman whom is pure of heart, honest, and are normal attracted to vintage decor and clothing, the woman is normal found with ivory skin, blonde or brown hair, blue green eyes and are usually very short in height almost doll like, they are very emotional and sensitive but bold hearted when needed, they're normally born from Dec 6th to January 26th and mostly like the warmth instead of the cold, as well as having a very large sexual drive which can get them into trouble from time to time, but there all together a wonderful woman, girlfriend and a perfect wife.
"Aśhaèll is a so pure she's has such a bold taste in decor "

"Aśhaèll is a perfect wife but she's so, horny and sensitively emotional "
by VanillaCroissant January 27, 2021
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Aśhaèll is a name meaning angelic purity and usually referencing to a woman whom is pure of heart, honest, and are normal attracted to vintage decor and clothing, the woman is normal found with ivory skin, blonde or brown hair, blue green eyes and are usually very short in height almost doll like, they are very emotional and sensitive but bold hearted when needed, they're normally born from Dec 6th to January 26th and mostly like the warmth instead of the cold, as well as having a very large sexual drive which can get them into trouble from time to time, but there all together a wonderful woman, girlfriend and a perfect wife.
"Aśhaèll is so pure its almost angelic"

"Aśhaèll is such a perfect wife but she's so horny and sensitivelying emotional"

"Aśhaèll loves vintage decor she's so classic and i love how she looks like a doll"
by VanillaCroissant January 27, 2021
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