A meal served by employers to employees, as a way to "compensate" them for being underpaid, overworked, and for lack of raises/bonuses and/or meal breaks. Its commonly served during long, hectic working hours when the employer makes it clear that there is not enough staff/time to take a break to eat said pizza, and is usually consumed by other staff who historically under perform and take several long breaks throughout the day that are not warranted. The employees that are dying of hunger and thirst are allowed to smell the Pity Pizza, but rarely are given time to consume it; however they are expected to be grateful for the grand gesture of Pity Pizza
Emily: "Hey Susan! I've walked 4 miles in this office today running around, l haven't been able to pee or refill my water bottle and I've been here since 4am... don't you think we deserve a raise?"

Susan: "No Emily, our boss bought us Pity Pizza again instead of providing us with well deserved raises and bonuses....but we don't really have time to actually stop and eat it"
by Netty-Lou-Who September 19, 2023
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